
Showing posts from January, 2018

#ThisLifeWeLiveIn: This Man Raped Two Goats To Death!!

Wonders WILL never end!

UK Appoints Minister For Loneliness To Battle Isolation, Dementia & High Blood Pressure

UK appoints Minister for loneliness to battle isolation, dementia & high blood pressure British Prime Minister, Theresa May has appointed a minister for loneliness to honour the legacy of the murdered Labour MP Jo Cox and tackle the isolation felt by some people in the UK.

Photos: Meet Jessica Cox, The First Licensed Armless Pilot Who Flies a Plane With Her Legs.

Jessica Cox is the world's first licensed armless pilot, as well as the first armless black-belt holder in the American Taekwondo Association. She was born in Arizona without arms due to a rare birth defect. Jessica Cox graduated from the University of Arizona in 2005 with a bachelor's degree in psychology and a minor in communications. Cox flew in a single engine airplane for the first time via Wright Flight in 2005. Cox earned her pilot's certificate on October 10, 2008, after three years of training, and is qualified to fly a light-sport aircraft to altitudes of 10,000 feet. She received her flight training through an Able Flight scholarship and soloed under the instruction of Parrish Traweek. At the age of 10, Cox began training in taekwondo at a school in her home town of Sierra Vista. A1 14, she earned her first black belt. While in college at the University of Arizona Cox restarted her taekwondo training at an American Taekwondo Association club...

Good Morning, Open Heavens Devotional For Today. January 18th 2018.

Thursday 18 January 2018 โ€“ WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION Memorise: This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Timothy 3:1 Read: Romans 1: 18-27

Man Kills Wife Because She Changed The TV Channel!

  An Arkansas man stabbed his wife to death because she changed the TV channel from a football game he was watching while he went outside to smoke.

MAPOLY Lecturers Suspends 3 Months Long Stike.

Lecturers of the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta (MAPOLY), have suspended their three months strike which has jeopardised academic activities in the institution.